Positive Self Talk – Stop Feeding Your Bullshit!

What do you say to yourself?  If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself how would you respond?  We are our own harshest critic; furthermore we tend to believe what we say and what we think. This process is termed ‘The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy’. The way it works is this, what you say to yourself you believe. Therefore, you create situations and behaviour around these negative thoughts and the outcome is failure.  

An example of this theory is around weight loss, you start a weight loss program. In your head you are telling yourself you can’t possibly do it, what is the point, you will just fail again. This thought process in turn leads to behaviours that sabotage the weight loss program. Hence you fail, which reinforces your belief you can not succeed. 

Think about what you are telling yourself and work at reshaping it into a more positive light that empowers you and implants positive self believe. Write positive affirmations which you can put on the fridge, bathroom mirror and your car sun visor and say them to yourself as often as you can. All of which will enhance positive behaviours leading to a more favourable outcome.

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