Osteopathy at Lifestyle
Essentials Mitcham


Our osteopaths are experienced in treating all body complaints such as lower back pain, headaches, shoulder issues and everything in-between. We are also proficient in managing conditions such as back pain, disc pathology, sciatica, shoulder issues,, bursitis, tendinopathies, strains, sprains, arthritis and sporting injuries

Hear From Simon Fox

New Client Offer

Give the gift of health to your loved ones with our New Clients Gift Voucher. $20.00 off their initial ostepathic appointment.

Our osteopaths are experienced in treating all body complaints such as lower back pain, headaches, shoulder issues and everything in-between. We are also proficient in managing conditions such as disc bulges, bursitis, tendinopathies, strains, sprains and arthritis.

What happens In an
Osteopathy Appointment

Your first consultation will take 60 minutes during which your Osteopath will take a thorough medical history, followed by a physical examination. This examination involves palpation of soft tissues, assessment of joint range of motion, neurological and orthopaedic testing and referral for imaging if required. We assess all related body parts to your presenting complaint and follow with the appropriate treatment. You will leave with a comprehensive understanding of your condition and a clear treatment plan of how we recommend you would move forward. Return consultations are 30 or 45minutes. Our practitioners will only ever see one patient at a time, dedicating 100% of their time to you.

Is Osteopathy an Eligible
Treatment For Private Health Insurance?

Most private health insurance schemes accept claims for osteopathy treatment. The actual reimbursement will vary, depending upon the insurance and the policy opted for, and the best way to know more would be to reach out to your insurance provider. Lifestyle Essentials has integrated HICAPS terminals for immediate claim payments. If you have been suffering from aches and pains, and are on the fence about whether you need to visit a professional clinic for osteopathy in Mitcham, you can book an appointment online and visit us for a consultation to understand the various possibilities of treating your condition.

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