Seven days to change!

At this time of the year, people start thinking about how they can improve their overall health and fitness.  For others they also want to incorporate losing some weight. Well following on from last months’ article about Weight loss, ‘Let’s Make It Easy’, this month I would like to give you a 7 day challenge.

7 Days to start the weight loss process. The great thing about this process is when you get to the end of the 7 days just start again and it will keep working, over and over and over again.

Firstly, you need to make a decision – are you serious about changing your life and improving your health – yes or no? If its ‘maybe’ then that means ‘no’, and you need to think about what would happen to your health, your fitness and your body shape if you do not change what you are doing …..
If yes let’s get started:

  • Day 1. Get up and go for a 20min walk (you should be puffed not able to chat to someone). 
  • Day 2. Repeat day 1.  Also eat a health breakfast- my suggestion, poached eggs with some spinach and avocado.
  • Day 3. Repeat day 2.  Today you are going to start a resistance training program, if you need help click here for your week’s free trial, if you would like to do it at home, log on to our Facebook group and grab the at home workout sheet.
  • Day 4. Repeat day 2.  Make sure you drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres of water today. Develop a positive statement about your new healthy lifestyle that you can focus on. 
  • Day 5. Today we focus on lunch, lean meat (lamb, beef or chicken) together with a salad, go for either a Greek salad or a rainbow colourful salad. We now need you to increase your walk to 30mins.
  • Day 6.  Repeat day 3. Today we focus on your snacks.  Snacks are important so that you don’t go hungry throughout the day. So I suggest you have an apple for morning tea, and veggie sticks with tzatziki or avocado for your afternoon snack. Keep lunch and breakfast the same.
  • Day 7.  Repeat all the activities from above – 30 min walk, eggs for breakfast, healthy snacks, healthy meat and salad for lunch and then plenty of water. The final step is meat and veggies for dinner, best to eat raw or steamed veggies. Stir fry is great!  Now just keep on repeating day 7 for the next 7 days and see where you are at. 

Our team of experts have over 50 years’ experience in the fitness industry. We care about each client and want to help them reach their health goals- we support each client every step of the way through their health journey.



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